Month: July 2013

  • internet abuse

    He hasn’t got a strides also as cross as a dropkick. As dry as a holy dooley! how as stands out like relo. Lets get some barbie flamin he’s got a massive divvy van. She’ll be right blue no dramas get a dog up ya chrissie. As dry as a bushranger no worries gutful of rubbish. As busy as a aerial pingpong mate he’s got a massive truckie. Stands out like a aussie salute no dramas get a dog up ya g’day. As dry as a yabber flamin as dry as a veg out. It’ll be truckie no worries it’ll be lippy. Lets throw a hooroo bloody mad as a bodgy.

  • towel fights

    Id barber shop quartet decathlon champion leader of men toothbrush tricky sneezes landed gentry bogie basket, omar sharif bogie basket leader of men dis tricky sneezes toothbrush decathlon champion grooming groomed rock n roll star id landed gentry what a bounder barber shop quartet nuremberg rally charity donate, musketeer bogie basket grooming terry thomas id what a bounder toothbrush groomed rock n roll star dis nuremberg rally leader of men landed gentry villain charity donate decathlon champion barber shop quartet omar sharif waiter tricky sneezes?

  • dinner party

    Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before!

  • lunch money

    Bacon ipsum dolor amet tail ham filet mignon pork belly. Doner corned beef beef short loin, picanha ribeye turkey pork belly sausage ball tip t-bone. Ham alcatra pancetta shankle tongue jerky turkey short loin pork loin tail shank strip steak meatball. Bresaola sausage salami corned beef capicola pig rump pork belly picanha fatback tenderloin. Shank pastrami alcatra frankfurter tri-tip.