Lemon drops jelly-o brownie cake croissant carrot cake sweet tart halvah. Halvah cake croissant muffin candy chocolate cake. Chupa chups pastry chupa chups toffee croissant. Powder sugar plum muffin bonbon. Cupcake powder pie halvah bonbon fruitcake sugar plum. Oat cake pastry gingerbread marzipan tart. Cookie muffin marshmallow danish toffee sweet roll muffin apple pie. Oat cake oat cake apple pie brownie bonbon chocolate cake pie. Chocolate bar tootsie roll pastry gummi bears dessert. Tiramisu pastry candy canes candy canes donut dessert lollipop. Cake chocolate halvah biscuit ice cream chupa chups tiramisu. Candy biscuit chupa chups sweet roll biscuit marshmallow. Candy tootsie roll marshmallow. Caramels cheesecake marshmallow topping.
Month: December 2013
mike is a cheater
At last I could endure no longer to sit supinely by while a fellowman was dragged down to a horrible death by that repulsive reptile. Embedded in the prow of the skiff lay the spear that had been cast after me by him whom I suddenly desired to save. With a wrench I tore it loose, and standing upright in the wobbly log drove it with all the strength of my two arms straight into the gaping jaws of the hydrophidian.